We are all familiar with how people generally think that men are superior to women. All of us know how on average, men are much stronger and taller than women. However, the ways in which women are superior to men, for the most part, remain hidden to the common man.
It is getting more and more known that women have a longer life expectancy. The reason for that is, in general, that women are more resilient than men. Shorter people also life longer as their heart has to work less to pump blood throughout the body. Even in the COVID-19 pandemic, women showed higher immunity than men.
Women are more flexible than men and we also store our fat more efficiently. The reason for this is that our bodies are built to keep an emergency reserve of energy.
Now, one might start wondering why women have, in my opinion, all these more useful powers. And for that, my friend, we will go back to the prehistoric era.
Majority of us have had the misconception that men used to hunt because they were taller and stronger, when in fact, it was the other way around. The reason women used to stay back is because in those societies the life of a woman was much more valuable than a man, and so it happened that the "disposable" men were set out for the dangerous activity of hunting. Them becoming stronger and taller was just a side effect that happened during millions of years. Even now, there is proof that women are still more resilient even in physical activities.
Speaking of prehistoric era, the right handedness of people is also credited to women. Women used to carry children in their left arms and work with their right, and, like the aforementioned, the side effect brought over millions of years is known to us all.
I hope you learned something new today. Have a nice day!
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